Sunday, October 4, 2009

Now when everything is vaguely remembered.

Sleep with me. For days we've played with the meaning of those words. When you told me I like you, I thought it could mean many other things. But we eventually settled for its ultimate meaning. We left it at that.

My time of the day had always been ahead of yours most especially when you moved from the holy city to the ghetto. On a stormy week here (that was in June), you even instructed me to indicate the time on the SMS I sent to you. It was pointless anyway--you see, it was me who always easily gave up--however you said it was just fine. You can calculate the time backwards. You explained, "I wanted to know for how long the messages get delayed. And please, get to the computer. Your phone is crappy."

You were just like me because you were very breakable and you accepted reasons so long as they're well-defended. Until we canceled each other out. I think I've put myself too much in you that when you were finally gone, I could not find myself, too. And you did not even let me say good bye.

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